Happiness – Pride – Commitment
The children of Holly Primary have developed these values:
Respect, Kindness, Co-operation, Sharing, Family, Friendship, Honesty, Consideration, Support, Teamwork & Determination

Holly Primary School is a very special place to be. It is a happy place for everyone and our children look forward to attending each day. The governors, staff and parents all work together as a team to provide the best opportunities for children by combining the best of both traditional and latest thinking in education. Every day at Holly Primary School has something new and different to offer. We pride ourself in providing a broad and balanced curriculum that is enriched with exciting trips and events. Our values of happiness, pride and commitment help us build a better future for all of our community. Children feel safe and secure in the happy and caring environment of our school. There is no greater importance to parents and carers, or to our school, than the safety of all of our children. Safeguarding is our number one priority.
School Rules
- We are kind, polite and help others,
- We listen and follow instructions,
- We care for ourself, our friends and our school,
- We keep our hands and feet to ourself.
- We try our best in everything we do,
Our aims of the school
- We will help children to stay safe and feel protected through creating a warm friendly atmosphere, which offers a sense of community, a feeling of belonging and create a stimulating and motivated environment that celebrates the achievements of children.
- We will enhance children’s awareness of self and sensitivity to others; to acquire a set of moral values and to develop self-discipline and an understanding of appropriate behaviour; to encourage a healthier lifestyle.
- We will encourage children to gain knowledge, skills, attitudes and moral values relevant to adult life, society and employment regardless of gender, race, ethnic origin, belief or ability.
- We will provide children with a broad and balanced curriculum that inspires an enthusiasm for lifelong learning whilst delivering the National Curriculum.
- We will enable parents, teachers and governors to work in partnership so that the relationship between home and school encourages involvement in all aspects of school life.
- We will provide a balance of suitably qualified staff with personal and professional qualities, which enables them to work together as an effective team and to provide the school with sufficient range of high quality learning resources to ensure the effective delivery of the curriculum to all pupils.
- We encourage our children’s growing independence and sense of responsibility for their own health, well-being, actions and behaviour, demonstrating respect and concern for others and the environment.
- We prepare children to adapt to the changing world around them by being able to respond to different challenges, new technology and developing a willingness to engage in continued learning.
- We promote a positive and enthusiastic attitude where high standards are expected and success is aspired to and celebrated. In our pursuit of the very best learning experiences for our school we are fully committed to the continual development of our curriculum.
- We meet the needs of every child by providing enriching opportunities both within and beyond the curriculum to develop their practical, creative and imaginative potentials.
- We aspire for all our children to achieve their full potential.
- We continue to develop professionally and manage the school effectively to the maximum benefit of the whole school community.
- We ensure a high level of learner involvement in planning their own work so that children think deeply, ask questions and reflect on what they have learned, becoming more resourceful, creative, reflective and independent.
- Our curriculum is continually evolving and changing to meet the needs and interests of different groups of pupils.
- Continuity and progression is ensured through our progression of essential skills and year group expectations, with support for all learners, as well as additional challenge for the more able.
- Social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is deeply embedded throughout our curriculum, linking work together in a cohesive way and throughout school, we actively promote British Values.
- The effectiveness of learning within the curriculum is based on high expectations of good behaviour and hard work.