Curriculum Subjects

British Values & ‘Prevent’

british values

British Values

At Holly Primary School we embed British Values throughout our teaching and our strong school ethos. We educate and provide boundaries for our pupils to make choices safely through a supportive environment and empowering education. Through E-Safety and PSHE Association lessons, children are encouraged to know their rights and personal freedom and are advised to exercise these safely. Vulnerable pupils are protected and stereotypes challenged. A strong anti-bullying culture is embedded in the school and any form of bullying is challenged and addressed. The school also operates a robust system of logging incidents. Pupils have responsibilities within school such as mini-leaders and playground-buddies.

Mutual Respect & Tolerance

Mutual Respect and Tolerance of other faiths and beliefs

Our area context

Mansfield District has experienced severe economic problems as a result of the decline of the area’s traditional coal mining and textile industries. Generally, there is a substantial rate of unemployment and overall skill levels and education attainment levels are low. Mansfield is the 36th (of 326) most deprived District in England as defined by the Index of Multiple Deprivation and the health of people is generally significantly worse than the England average. 11% of adults in the ward have higher education experience. 23% of our learners are children in poverty.

At Holly Primary School, we promote different beliefs and cultures through mutual respect. Our school community works hard to ensure all children understand respect through teaching, assemblies and our school rules. Respect is a key part of our school and we promote this in our day-to-day practice and assembly themes. All children should treat each other with mutual respect. We discuss the awareness of other cultures through RE and PSHE linking to our British Values and Equality Policy.



Democracy is a main focal point here at Holly Primary School.  We promote this within our school in a variety of ways. However, our main way is through our school council which we operate council meetings on a regular basis.

At the beginning of each term, as a school we discuss Parliament and organise an election process where the children prepare a speech and vote. Two class councillors are elected and attend meetings.

Rule of Law

Rule of Law

Rule of law is an important aspect within our school community. Within our daily practice, we promote positive behaviour and link this to our assembly themes. All children are clear of our behaviour systems and staff start the year with introducing any new whole school approaches. We promote the rule of law further through the RE curriculum, visits to the local fire station and throughout daily teaching where rules are a major role in fundamental functioning.  Our school regularly invite local visitors to discuss respect and appreciation of different rules. These include Nottingham Forest Football in the Community, Mansfield Town Football Club in the Community, Wheelchair Basket Ball and Nottingham Arts Support Service.

Our year 5/6 access the national Life Skills Education run D.A.R.E UK programme –

Individual Liberty

Individual Liberty

Our school promotes all children to have a freedom to express their views. Within the class, teachers give children the time to offer their opinions in a safe and secure environment. Children are given regular opportunities through PSHE and RE to discuss their feelings and emotions towards current affairs. We actively participate in viewing CBBC’s Newsround which encourages children to understand the wider society and modern day Britain.

Holocaust Links

Our year 5/6 children have formed links to the Holocaust Centre  – this promotes the roots of discrimination and prejudice, and the development of ethical values, leading to a greater understanding of society.

At Holly Primary School, such issues are extremely rare which will be dealt with in the professional manner. Safe-guarding and child protection is the most single important job that we do here at Holly.

School Council

The school council are responsible for organising events including: Comic Relief, Children in Need, NSPCC events, Harvest Festival Food Bank Charity, McMillian Charity Day, and The Dog Trust.

We offer pupil voice questionnaires for pupils to give their opinions about their learning. Once the questionnaires have been completed, we analyse them and teachers then discuss with the individual or class their concerns.

Extremism / Prevent

Extremism is not part of any British or European value. There is focus from the Counter Terrorism and Security Act regarding threats from so-called Islamic State and the Prevent Duty states all kinds of extremism should be addressed. All of our staff have received the Prevent Duty training and are aware of how to report any such issues or threats. Extremism is not a new topic in education, but schools have a relatively new statutory duty to pay ‘due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism’. Please read the government’s Prevent duty guidance and its guidance for schools.

Harvest Festival Collection

Our school council decided that an ideal focus for our harvest celebrations would be to collect food and consumables to give to our community.

Our local Vicar was invited in to school and we decided to pass the goods on to a local foodbank.


Remembrance Day

The whole school observes a 2 minute silence each year on the closest date to November 11th. Mr Willis joined us to perform ‘The Last Post’. All staff were extremely impressed with how impeccable the silence was. The children are a credit to the school and their very supportive families. We are all very proud.

On November 11th, all the children in Year 5 & 6 spent the morning discussing and researching Remembrance Day and its meaning and importance. Here they are with their poppy wreaths which they made as part of their work.

Holly Primary School