Curriculum Subjects

Personal, Social and Health Education



At Holly Primary School, we aim to develop the children’s knowledge, skills and understanding based on the three core themes of the PSHE Association Programme of Study: health and wellbeing, relationships and living in the wider world. PSHE at Holly Primary School is taught through the Planning Toolkit scheme, which is a progressive and spiral scheme of learning which revisits themes, gradually extending the child’s thinking, expanding knowledge and developing skills .In planning lessons, we aim to ensure that learning from previous years is revisited and extended, adding new concepts, knowledge and skills year on year as appropriate. To respect equality and be a productive member of a diverse community. To empower them to be safe, and safeguarded.

We believe that by following this scheme we are able to help our young people to: Understand what is meant by a healthy life style and how to maintain physical, mental and emotional health and wellbeing. Develop positive and healthy relationships appropriate to their age and development, within a range of social/cultural contexts respecting self and others and supporting young people to have positive self- esteem and body image.


  • To equip pupils with the skills, knowledge and understanding to lead healthy lives, both mentally and physically.
  • To develop positive and healthy relationships and to respect themselves and others.
  • To guide pupils to a breadth of experiences which enrich and enhance their life skills within their own community and the wider world.



Each term, we use a range of methods to assess skills and knowledge attained by the children –

  • Pupil Voice
  • Three Thinkers Questions
  • Book Looks
  • Regular lesson feedback
  • Benchmarking
Holly Primary School