Curriculum Subjects

Religious Education



Technology plays such a significant role in society today and we believe our children must learn a range of computational skills to participate safely and successfully in our ever-changing digital world. The high-quality computing education we deliver at Holly Primary School has links with design technology, mathematics, science, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. Our children become digitally literate and are able to express themselves and develop their ideas to be both content producers and critical, informed consumers.

Our children leave us able to navigate the digital world safely and responsibly; use block coding in complex algorithms; deliver presentations using a range of software; produce digital content such as online books, movies and data representations. Pupils experience a wide range of technology, including laptops, Chromebooks, iPads, interactive whiteboards and a range of digital toys, from the much-loved BeeBots to sets of Lego WeDo2.


  • Practice safe, sensible and responsible behaviour in the digital world.
  • Participate with others in problem solving using collaboration, computational skills, different devices and a range of scenarios.
  • Produce and present a range of ideas and communicate them effectively.
  • Prepare to be discerning and even critical about how they, their friends, their family and wider society interacts and uses technology.



Each term, we use a range of methods to assess skills and knowledge attained by the children –

  • Pupil Voice
  • Three Thinkers Questions
  • Book Looks
  • Regular lesson feedback
  • Benchmarking
Holly Primary School